
Thursday, 22 April 2010

How Do You Know You’re Getting Good Head ?

I want to try something different today? I would love to get maximum participation in the form of comments for this blog. Okay? Great let’s go.
We all love oral sex, it’s one of the best things on the face of the Earth. You never really know you’re about to get good brain until you’re getting it. Its not like there is really a good brain look. Having big lips doesn’t mean a person is “Smart” nor does a tongue ring. Rather its at the point where you’re in the middle of getting serviced when it hits you like a bag of rocks. This person really sucks, or licks.
I’d like to know when does it hit you that you’re getting some good top? Does it hit at first lick or is it a delayed reaction? I know when I’m in the middle of the act of getting my grub on, I know I’m doing the right thing about 2 minutes into it. I can tell when the chick starts rubbing on ma fade and making noises like someone is putting a q-tip covered w/ Ecstasy crushed pills. Don’t front you know Q-tips are orgasmic in your ears.
I’ve got a lot of great head in the past and at times, I caught the feeling right away. As soon as she placed her mouth on my dick I’m letting out an Oh my God Sure I’m stamping my ticket to a fiery damnation for all of eternity for using the Lord’s name in vain. But, at the same time it’s the Big Guy himself who has blessed me with this woman who has a mouth equivalent to an amusement park for a penis.
Other times the feeling catches me rather late. Midway through my oral experience I tell myself wow this girl really is good at giving brains. She must have gone to uni with white girl or something. I find my hips moving and I start to drill her throat.
So today let’s have a discussion girls , when do you know you’re getting good top?


princessnarnia said...

Beef. Last Friday, I had party and the end of night banter took us onto the subject of oral sex. Across the room I paid careful attention to what my ex-boyfriend had to say on the matter and it seems his infuriating stance is the same as ever: “I aint no bo-cat”. Just what is that about?? Perhaps when you’re 16, the basic lack of understanding of what sex really is may culminate in that opinion but at 26? This boy will be dry in bed for the rest of his life. Great sex is about feeling comfortable and knowing that the person you’re with respects you – remember 90% of sex is in the mind (well, for females at least). That’s not to say that equals good head, but it definitely makes a huge difference... I’m not the easiest girl to make cum but slowly kissing up my inner thigh and paying careful attention to my clit (perhaps a little finger action thrown in?) usually means I’ll hit the jackpot. I once had an ex-boyfriend who used to gently suck and bite my clit (note the word gently) – I thought I was having an epileptic fit... No girl wants a man to treat her nether regions like a limited edition lollipop either. Frantic licking is more often than not, uncomfortable and un-stimulating. But what it really boils down to is communication: the older I get the less patience I have to pretend, especially when I’ve had it good. If your girl isn’t sounding or moving around as though she’s enjoying it, then the chances are that she’s probably not. So ask – no girl will mind as she’ll be the one to reap the benefits...
I know I’m giving good head when I can see my man is beyond excitement and all control of his extremities have disappeared into thin air. I also know it’s good when I take my mouth away and the look on his face tells me he wants more. Licking, teasing, varied pace – all make for a man who in that moment if you asked him to marry you, he’d probably say yes…
However, with all things good, there comes the bad... guys who like to grab up their lady’s hair – not cool. Guys who ask you after two minutes of kissing to get down there – not cool. And guys who say you can do it to me but I won’t reciprocate – not cool. And the biggest turn off of all is a guy who, having given him head, simply refuses to kiss you again throughout sex.

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