the other day I read a column by a dark skinned girl who was totally offended by another dark skinned girl being totally offended because Lil Wayne allegedly said he didn’t like dark skinned girls and made some comments. Turns out he didn’t say that, but this made me ponder why are dark skinned girls so insecure. Now before the dark skinned police start with comments about this being the same ole argument it’s not. I just want to know why dark skinned women need a cosign so badly. Do they not know their beautiful even if some men don’t want to date them?
I know a bald headed dark skinned girl who is so beautiful that if she bottled her spit and sold it I’d buy a case.
I’m not going to front like it’s not hard being dark. I know their pain, I understand the back handed compliments hurt. When people say: ‘You’re pretty for a dark skinned girl’, or ‘I normally date girl as dark as you’. Please know those comments have nothing to do with you. It’s another person’s ignorance, another person’s lack of saying things the right way, its not you. Its also the fact that an ugly ass dark skinned girl left a big impression on them. Let’s not front like there are not some F’ugly dark people. There are a lot, just like there are some ugly light skinned people. (Gina from Martin is not cute in my opinion)
I also think this has more to do with ugly people than it does with skin color. Who wants to be pissed off by an ugly person? I know that’s shallow, but we are just not willing to take crap from an ugly person the way we are willing to take crap from an attractive person.
Ladies and gentlemen, you don’t need a co-sign. Colour will be an issue for some people, but it shouldn’t define you. If Lil Wayne doesn’t want to have dark skinned babies, what difference does it make? I know a gang load of light skinned girls who don’t like light skinned guys. Do you hear light skinned people have an issue? Probably not because they don’t need a co-sign.
While plenty of the dark skinned people reading this blog, have it hard because of their colour, I want them to know black is beautiful. I will never know what it’s like to be a dark skinned person. I will never have the option to be chocolate, but I think darkness is amazing.
But just as the vivid colors of HD television can pop off of your screen please rest assure we still love the beauty of a classic black and white picture. Drawn or digital. Black is beautiful and will always be beautiful I just wish SOME of my darker friends would stop needing a co-sign to vouch for their beauty.
A white women once wrote “I don’t understand why light skinned and dark skinned girls are constantly being compared over who’s “prettier” or “more beautiful.” If you’re pretty, you’re pretty. The shade of your skin has nothing to do with it.” Pretty poetic if you ask me. Can’t we all just get along?
Dark skin is sexy.
A very honest & "Beautiful" comment.....I second it from a very pink lady♡
Dark skin is so sexy, i wouldn't say that in front of my wife but, before i met her i had a thing for dark girls.
I'm dark myself but in my opinion, there's nothing like a short, dark skinned female with a nice figure
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